Portea petropolitana var. extensa – Aechmea petropolitana var. extensa – Portea gardneri – Streptocaly x podantha

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Portea –

There are 7 to 9 species of rosette forming, evergreen, terrestrial perennial (bromeliads), in this genus. They occur in Brazil where they usually grow in coastal shrub land and shaded forest, to 2,000′ feet high. They are grown for their foliage and flowers. The strap shaped, spiny edged, fairly stiff leaves are mostly scaly, especially beneath, the tubular, blur or violet flowers are borne in cylindrical heads on long, slender flower stalks. Grow as a houseplant.

Grow in terrestrial bromeliad potting mix in full light, with shade from hot sun. Water moderately at all times, over watering often causes root rot. During the growing season, apply a low nitrogen fertilizer every 6-8 weeks.

Prone to scale.

P. petropolitana var. extensa – Aechmea petropolitana var. extensa – Portea gardneri – Streptocaly x podantha – This terrestrial perennial from Eastern Brazil grows at least 3′ feet tall and 16″ wide. It forms rosettes of strap shaped, minute scaly, mid to dark green leaves, to 32″ long, with black marginal spines. Large toothed leaf sheaths have dark brown scales. In summer, the thick, reddish brown scapes produce branched, pendent, compound, cylindrical inflorescences, to 16″ long, with rose red bracts. The tubular flowers, to 1 ½” long, have lilac-blue flowers with purple tipped green ovaries, borne in more open inflorescences, on arching, coral red scapes.

Zones 14-15