Pteroceltis tatarinowii –

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Pteroceltis –
There is a sole species of a slow growing, deciduous tree in this genus. They occur near stream, in rocky places, and in valleys in the mountains of Northern and Central China. It is grown for its habit, peeling bark, bright green leaves and winged green fruit. The leaves are 1 ½-4″ long, oval to lance shaped with finely serrated edges with downy undersides which shows little color except hints of yellow and orange in autumn. In spring it produces inconspicuous, very small green flowers. P. tatarinowii is most effective as a specimen tree, it is exceeding rare in cultivation. It is possibly urban tolerant and thus good street tree candidate.
Grow in fertile, moist but well drained soil in full sun, needs shelter from strong winds when young.

P. tatarinowii – This spreading tree from Northern and Central China grows 30′ feet tall and wide. It has flaking pale gray bark. On arching branches it carries oval to laance shaped, 3 veined, bright green leaves, to 4″ long, with serrated edges. The tiny, green male flowers are produced in stalkless cluster, the very small, green female flowers are solitary. Both male and female flowers are borne in spring, followed by round winged green fruit, 1″ wide, in autumn.
Zones 6-9