Pyrus c. ‘Aristocrat’ – Pear


P.calleryana – Callery Pear – This very not long lived, broadly conical deciduous, often very thorny tree from Southeastern China, Korea, Japan and Taiwan grows 5-60′ feet tall and 50′ feet wide.It produces ovate to broadly ovate, finely scalloped or toothed, glossy, grayish green leaves, to 3″ long, turning red in late autumn, In early spring it bears white flowers, 3/4″ across are held in umbel like racemes or up to 12, followed in autumn by inedible, spherical brown fruit, ½” across.Fireblight resistant and makes an excellent street tree.

Aristocrat’ – is pyramidal and thornless and has more horizontal branching and wider crotch angles, and shiny, wavy edged, dark green leaves which turn fiery red in fall

Grow in any moderately fertile, well drained soil in full sun.They suitable for coastal conditions and are tolerant of drought and atmospheric pollution.

zones 5-8