Rhubarb – Gunnera


Gunnera – Rhubbarb –

harvest – allow one full year to establish then in second year harvest from the plant, never removing more than 1/3 of the plant, pick longer and reddish stems, space 36-60″ inches apart

G. manicata – G. Brasiliensis – found from Colombia to Brazil, it forms a very large, herbaceous perennial with rounded to kidney shaped palmately, lobed, promientently veined, sharply toothed, deep green leaves, to 6″ inches long. In early summer, branches 6″ inches long bear numerous tiny, greenish red flowers in conical, branched panicles, to 3′ feet or more tall, these are followed by spherical red-green fruit, to 1/8″ inch long.

grow in deep, permanently moist, humus rich soil in sun or partial shade, large species need shelter from cold drying winds. Small species prefer partial shade, but with cool summers. Where not hardy protect the crowns of large species in winter with a dry mulch. Most are unsuitable in areas with high heat and humidity

Prone to slugs and snails

zone 7-10