Rosa whichurana – Rose wichuraiana – Memorial rose –

SKU: PDE-160250517 Categories: , , ,


Rosa whichurana – R. wichuraiana – Memorial rose – This vigorous, climbing or creeping rambler, semi evergreen species rose from Eastern Asia grows 6-15′ feet tall and 20′ feet wide. From canes with large curved prickles, which are red on new growth, carries numerous small, glossy green leaves consisting of 5-9 elliptic to broadly ovate leaflets, to 1″ long, which turns yellow in autumn. Briefly in summer it bears cupped to flat, clover scented, 5 petaled white flowers, that are 1 3/4″ across, with prominent golden yellow stamens, are held in loose cluster of 3-15. Flowers are followed by dark red oval hips, that are to ½” long in autumn. Tolerates some light shade and sandy and heavy clay soils. Usaully disease free but mildew may be a problem.
Zones 5-9