Sinofranchetia chinensis –

SKU: PDE-160251581 Categories: , ,


Sinofranchetia –

There is a sole species of a twinning, woody, dioecious, deciduous climber in the Lardizabalaceae family, in this genus. It’s found naturally occurring in woodland China. It produces alternate, 3 palmate leaves, and pendent racemes of tiny white flowers on female plants, these are followed by grape like berries. Grown for their attractive foliage and fruit, it may be grown through a tree, over a large shrub, or against a wall to quickly cover an unsightly feature. Female plants can bear fruit without a male.

Grow in moderately fertile, humus rich, moist but well drained soil in full sun or partial shade.

S. chinensis – This twining, woody climber from Western and Central China reaches 40′ feet high. It produces glaucous, purple spotted stems that carry long stalked leaves, to 6″ long, composed of 3 ovate, dark green leaflets, glaucous beneath. In late spring, bears tiny white flowers in pendent racemes, to 4″ long. In summer, female plants produce spherical, grape like purple berries, to 3/4″ long.

Zones 7-10