Sinojackia rehderiana


Sinojackia –

There are 5-8 deciduous shrubs or small trees, in the Styracaceae family, in this genus. They are endemic to China. They are valued for their small racemes of white flowers, which are borne close to the tips of short, leafy shoots in late spring and early summer. The leaves are simple and alternate. Grow Sinojackia species in a woodland garde among other trees and shrubs. S. xylocarpa may also be used as a specimen tree in a lawn planting.

Grow in moderately fertile, humus rich, moist but well drained, acidic soil in full sun with some midday shade, or in partial shade. Avoid very exposed sites.

S. rehderiana – This bushy shrub, or sometimes spreading tree, from Eastern China grows 15′ feet tall and wide. It produces elliptic to egg shaped, glossy, dark green leaves, to 3 ½” long. Pendent, star shaped white flowers, 3/4″ across, with yellow stamens, are borne in late spring and early summer.

Zones 6-10