Stephanandra incisa – Cutleaf stephanandra – Lace Shrub –


Stephanandra –

There are about 4 suckering, deciduous shrubs, allied to Spiraea and are also in the rose family, in this genus. They are found naturally occurring in thickets and at woodland margins in Eastern Asia. They produce attractive leaves, which are alternate, narrowly ovate to ovate, lobed, and sharply toothed, which turn orange and gold in autumn.   The tiny, star shaped, greenish white or yellow-green flowers with many stamens are borne in terminal corymbs like panicles during summer. Suitable for a shrub border. Stem root wherever they touch the ground, spreading it well beyond its anticipated borders. Tolerates low temperatures.

Grow in moist but well drained, fertile, loamy soil in full sun or partial shade.

S. incisa – Cutleaf stephanandra – Lace Shrub – This thicket forming shrub from Korea, Japan, and Taiwan grows 6-10′ feet tall and wide. From arching shoots, it produces ovate, sharply lobed, toothed, mid green leaves, to 3″ long, turning orange-yellow in autumn. In early or mid summer it bears greenish white flowers in panicles, to 3″ long. Tolerates neglect.

Zones 3-8