Sycoparrotia semidecidua –

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x Sycoparrotia –

This hybrid genus of 1 species of a semi evergreen shrub, with alternate, simple, glossy, dark green leaves and dense clusters of flowers.   It is grown for its usually colored flowers, which appear reddish brown from a distance. Grow in a shrub border, as a specimen plant on a lawn, or in light woodland garden.

Grow in moderately fertile, moist but well drained, neutral to acidic soil in partial shade.

x S. semidecidua – This spreading shrub is a cross between Sycopsis sinenis and Parrotia persica, and grows 12′ feet tall and 20′ feet wide. It produces oblong-elliptic, glossy, dark green leaves, to 3″ long, some may turn yellow in autumn. In spring, brown-woolly flower buds open to reveal dense cluster, 1″ across, of bright red anthers surrounded by small brown bracts.

Zones 7-9