Tetradium danielli – Euodia daniellii – Euodia hupehensis – Korean Euodia – Euodia – Evodia – Bee Tree

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Tetradium – Euodia – Evodia – Bee Tree

There are 5-10 upright to   rounded, deciduous or evergreen trees and shrub, within the Rutaceae Family, in this Genus. They are found naturally occurring in woodlands from the Himalayas   to Eastern and Southeastern Asia. They are grown for their attractive foliage, flowers (which are highly attractive to bees), and dense clusters of fruit, They have opposite, usually, glossy pinnate   leaves which are aromatic when crushed and have very little autumn color. Cup shaped flowers, each with 4 or 5 usually hooded petals, are borne in terminal or axillary corymbs or panicles at the end of new growth in late July and August. The bark is smooth and gray. Oval to pear shaped or spherical green fruits, with 1-5 follicles, each 1 or 2 seeded, are produced in late summer or autumn… Tetradiums make handsome specimen trees for a lawn or woodland garden.

Grow in moist, but well drained soil in full sun or partial shade.

Prone to lepidoptera larvae.

T. danielli – Euodia daniellii – E. hupehensis – Korean Euodia – This spreading, deciduous tree from Northern China, and Korea grows 30-50′ feet tall and wide. It produces pinnate leaves to 16″ or more long, each with 5-11 egg shaped, sharp pointed, glossy, dark green leaflets with blue-green underside, turning yellow or russet in autumn. Small, aromatic white flowers with yellow anthers, are produced in domed, terminal corymbs, to 6″ across, in late summer and early autumn, they are followed by dense clusters of pear shaped, red-brown fruit, 3/8″ across, containing hard, shiny black seeds.

Zones 5-8