Zea – Corn –
There are 5 annual, rarely perennial grasses naturally occurring along field margins and on disturbed ground in Central America. The sturdy stems bear lance shaped leaves in 2 ranks. They produce terminal spike like male panicles (the tassels), axillary female inflorescence (the ears) consist of numerous flowers arranged in longitudinal row on a thickened axis (the cob). The female flowers, each with a long, silky style, are enclosed within spathe bracts (the Husks) and mature into fleshy kernels. Z. mays (corn) are an important cereal crop in tropical and temperate regions. A number of ornamental cultivars are valued for their multicolored ears and their variegated foliage. Grow in a mixed border or as accent plants in summer bedding designs.
Grow in a warm, sheltered site in fertile, moist but well drained soil in full sun.
Prone to downy mildew, damping off, rust, smut, and a wide variety of fungal spots. Corn earworm, and many other insect pests are frequent problems on some cultivars.
Zea mays var. saccharata – Sweet Corn – Grows 8-10’ feet tall. It produces long leathery leaves to 4’ feet long. It produces yellow to creamy white kernels in three types: normal sugar, sugar enhanced, and shrunken. Super sweet strains will germinate in cold soils and will produce early crops