Tulipa ‘Early Harvest’ – Tulip ‘Early Harvest’

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Kaufmanniana Group (Division 12) – These tulips grow 6-12″ tall and are mainly derived from T. kaufmanniana, it bears single, bowl shaped flowers, 3-4″ across, are frequently multicolored, usually with distinctively colored bases. Early or mid season flowering and produces leaves 3-10″ long, are sometimes mottled and or marked bronze, red, or purple. Ideal for a rock garden or border. They require minimal chilling only.

zones 4-6

Select tulips cultivars and species based on hardiness zones. Most tulips require a long cold winter and dry summer and thrive in Zones 4-6.In Zones 7-8, fewer are adaptable. In Zones 9-10, they should be grown as annuals, and bulbs must be precooled at 40–45 degree Fahrenheit for 8-10 weeks before planting. Grow in fertile well drained, neutral to slightly acidic soil in full or afternoon sun. In Zones 7-10. Choose a shady site or one with morning sun only.