Kohlrabi Purple

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Gongylodes Group – is the name that cover kohlrabi (a word of German origin).This root vegetable resembles beet root in its growth form with a swollen, bulb like stem base. With a slightly nutty flavor reminiscent of both turnip and cabbage, it can be eaten raw or cooked. Young leaves are edible. Weed lightly as root disturbance will slow growth.

matures in 43 days, space 9-12″ inches apart and grow 12-18″ inches tall.

harvest – stems while still young and tender usually 2 1/2″-4″ inches in diameter. Cut from base of plant. Trim leaves from the stem and save them to cook separately.

Purple Viennia, White Vienna, and Earliest Eerfurt are established cultivars

Peacock Series Cultivars – are hybrids with feathery, finely toothed, red or white leaves. In cooler temperatures, the webbing of color expands and becomes deeper in tone

‘Tokyo’ – grows 10″ tall and has neat, rounded, blue-green outer leaves and soft, pink, re3d or white centers

Grow in fertile, well drained,
ideally lime rich soil in full sun.

Prone to leaf miners,
caterpillars, aphids, harlequin bugs, root maggots, nematode, cabbage white
butterfly, flea beetle, black leg, white rust, black leaf spot (Xanthomonas),
downy mildew, powdery mildew, damping off, white mold, clubroot, root knot
nematodes, Magnesium, boron,
and potassium deficiency.

Zones 6-11