Acer negundo ‘Flamingo’ – Flamingo Boxelder Maple – Maple


Acer negundo ‘Flamingo’ – Box-elder Maple – Box Elder – Manitoba Maple – Ash- Leaved Maple – Found in eastern North America but subspecies are found across America and into Mexico and Guatemala where it inhabits moist riverbanks. This fast growing deciduous tree can reach 50’ feet tall and with a 30’ foot spread but colored species are smaller and less vigorous. All varieties have compound leafs with 3-7 large leaflets 8” inches long pink edge leafs in spring turning white in summer time. Bears greenish yellow flowers on hanging single common branch. Tolerates poor conditions but branches break easily in high winds. Leaves turn yellow in autumn. Should plant only one Acer negundo in a garden because they easily breed and become a naissance.

Zone 4-10