Chelidonium majus ‘Flore Pleno’ – Greater Celandine – Greater Celandine – Swallowwort –


Chelidonium – Greater Celandine – Swallowwort –

There is a single species of a variable biennial or short lived perennial, in this genus. It occurs in woodland, scrub, wasteland, and rocky slopes in Europe and Western Asia. It has deeply pinnatifid or pinnatisect, hairless leaves, and bears umbels of poppy like, bowl shaped, 4 petalled, bright yellow flowers in summer followed by slender pod that splits to release tiny black seeds. It is suitable for naturalizing in a wild garden or in light woodland, but it may become invasive. Contact with the orange-yellow sap may cause skin blisters and used to cure warts.

Easily grown in any soil but very wet soil and in almost any situation, but prefers woodland conditions. Divide in fall, and cut back after flowering to keep under control.

C. majus ‘Flore Pleno’ – Greater Celandine – This fast growing, clump forming perennial grows 2-4′ feet tall and 8″-4′ feet wide. It produces lobed to deeply pinnatifid or pinnatisect, scalloped pale or slightly bluish green leaves, 4-10″ long. From mid spring to mid fall it bears loose terminal umbels of 4 petaled double yellow flowers, to 1″ across, atop of upright, brittle stems. Flowers are followed by slender seed capsules to 2″ long. Self seed profusely.

Zones 5-9