Caragana frutex ‘Globosa’ – Russian Pea Shrub – Peashrub –


Caragana – Peashrub –

There are about 80 species of deciduous, often spiny shrubs or small trees, in this genus. They occur on dry soils in exposed sites from Eastern Europe to Central and Eastern Asia. They are grown for their leaves, which are alternate, pinnate, and often clustered at the branch tips, and their pea-like flowers, which are usually yellow, but sometimes white or pink held singly or in small clusters borne in spring and summer. Flowers are followed in autumn by slender straw colored pods, 3/4-2 ½” long. Grow in a shrub border or as windbreaks.

Grow in well drained, moderately fertile soil in full sun. Will thrive even in neutral to slightly alkaline, dry soils in cold and exposed sites. Best where climates have cold winter and hot, dry summers. May become weedy.

C. frutex ‘Globosa’ – Russian Pea Shrub – This shrub with few thorns grows 10′ feet tall and 8′ feet wide. Forming a neat compact round habit it’s slender shoots carries pinnate, dark green leaves to 1″ long, each composed of just 4 stalkless, ovate leaflets. In late spring and early summer it bears bright yellow flowers, to 1″ long, are held singly or in clusters of 3.

Zones 2-8