Exichorda – Pearl Bush –
There are about 5 species of shrubs, in this genus. They occur in woodland from Central Asia to Northern China and Korea. They are grown for their neat habit and abundant, 5 petalled showy cup or saucer shaped white flowers, borne in terminal racemes in spring or summer, Leaves area alternate, simple, paddle shaped, and smooth or toothed edged. The fruit are capsules, wing like segments, splitting apart when ripe to release flattened seeds. Ideal for a shrub border or as an isolated specimen.
Easily grown in moderately fertile, moist but well drained soil (most will tolerate all but shallow, alkaline soil) in full sun or light, dappled shade. They need climates with sharply defined seasons and dry summers.
E. x macrantha ‘The Bride’ – This strong growing, compact, arching, mound forming shrub is a cross between E. racemosa and E. korolkowii and grows 6′ feet tall and 10′ feet wide. It produces obovate, light to mid green leaves, to 3″ long. In late spring and early summer it bears racemes of 6-10 pure white flowers, to 1 ½” across.
Zones 5-9