Lonicera x purpusii ‘Winter Beauty’ – Honeysuckle – Woodbine –


Lonicera – Honeysuckle – Woodbine –

There are about 180 species of deciduous and evergreen shrubs, groundcovers, and twining climbers in this genus. They are widely distributed in the Northern Hemisphere, where they grow in varied habitats ranging from woodland and thickets to rocky places. They are grown for their tubular to funnel shaped, often sweetly fragrant flowers, which are usually 2 lipped or have 5 small, spreading lobes. The leathery leaves are held in opposite pairs, up to 6″ long and usually simple. Honey suckles may be grown in a variety of situations: train climbers on a wall or fence, or into a a large shrub or small tree, grow shrub in a shrub border, or use for hedging or as a groundcover. Some species may become invasive. The berries may cause mild stomach upset if ingested. Honeysuckles are attractive to bees and birds.

Grow shrubs in any well drained soil in full or partial shade, grow climbers in fertile, humus rich, moist but well drained soil. They may become straggly unless pruned and some may need to pruned twice a year.

Prone to aphids, leaf roller, scale insects, dieback, powdery mildew, leaf spots, and blights.

L. x purpusii ‘Winter Beauty’ – This rounded, deciduous or semi evergreen shrub is a cross between L. fragrantissima and L. standishii and grows 6′ feet tall and 8′ feet wide. From red purple shoots it carries pairs of oval, dark to mid green leaves, to 3″ long. In winter and early spring it bears tubular, 2 lipped, very fragrant white flowers, to 3/4″ long, with conspicuous yellow anthers, are held in clusters of 2 to 4. Berries are rarely produced but are bright red..

Zones 7-9