Boykinia major – Telesonix –

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Boykinia – Telesonix –

There are about 10 species of perennials with short creeping rhizomes, in this genus. They occur in moist, alpine woodland and mountainous areas of Japan and North America. They have alternate, rounded to heart shaped or kidney shaped, hairy, mid to dark green basal leaves, sometimes bronze tinted when young, with long leaf stalks, and shorter stalked or un-stalked stem leaves. It bears lax panicles of crimson or white, small, 5 petalled flowers open through spring or summer. Grow in a shady woodland garden or wild garden.

Grow in fertile, acidic, moist, gritty, humus rich soil in dappled shade in crevice or alpine house. Divide in spring or late winter.

B. major – This clump forming perennial from Western USA grows 24-36″ tall and 24″ wide. It produces dark green leaves, 4-8″long, with 5-7 coarsely cut lobes. In mid summer it bears shallowly bell shaped white flowers to ½” across.

Zones 5-9