Abronia umbrellata ‘Rosea’ – Pink sand Verbena – Sand Verbena – Nyctanginaceae

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Abronia – Sand Verbena – Nyctanginaceae

There are 35 species of annuals and perennials, in this genus. They spread by trailing or spreading stems.  They originate from coastal and desert areas of western North America.  They produce ½ -1 ½” inch wide tubular, fragrant flowers in pink and yellow shades or white. The leaves are oval leaves. The stems are sticky and tinted red or purple that spread to mats up to 3 feet wide.

Propagate by seeds or tip cuttings. They prefer gritty or sandy well drained soil. Moderately cold hardy, some cultivars are tolerant to salt winds.

Prone to downy mildew, rust and leaf spots occur.

A. umbrellata ‘Rosea’ – Pink sand Verbena – This perennial has pink flowers and 1-2” inch oval leaves on wiry red stems.  Found from British Columbia to northern Mexico in coastal areas.  In mild climates it may bloom year round.

Zones 8-10