Acmena smithii – Eugenie smithii – Lillypilly –

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There are about 7 species of evergreen trees, in this genus.  They derives from the rainforest of northern and eastern Australia and New Guinea and the Malay Archipelago.  The glossy lance shape, smooth edge leaves are arranged opposite.  On the tips of the twigs small petal, sprays of white flowers appear followed by globular, tang pink, white, purple berries.  The berries are used to make jams. Acmenas makes a good street tree or in the garden.

When cultivated outdoors they like frost-free climates with fertile, moist soil in full sun or shade they prefer humid shelter situations at least when young.

When cultivated indoors use soil based potting mix in full light or filtered light, top dress in spring or autumn.  During growing season water freely and use a balance liquid fertilizer monthly.  Water sparingly in winter.

Prone to whiteflies scale insects, aphids, and sooty mold may be problems.

Acmena smithii – Eugenie smithii – Lillypilly – The best known cultivar it can be a compact tree or shrub growing to a size of 20-30 feet tall with a dense crown, can be used as a tall screen or as a hedge.  It leaves and color of fruit (ripening in winter) vary but the numerous tiny flowers are often white coming out during summer, the bark is deep red-brown finely worted or checkered.  It’s native to the east coast of Australia and adjacent ranges from cape York to Wilsons Promontory.  Acmena smithii is the most cold hardy of this genus and also tolerant some salt laden winds.  Responds well to water and fertilizing with new coppery new growth.

Zones 9-11