Ajuga australis – Australian buggle – Bugleweed


Ajuga – Bugleweed

There are about 50 species of annuals and clump forming perennials that are semi evergreen to evergreen in this genus.  They spread by above and underground creeping roots may become invasive.  Derives from temperate Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia.  They bear rosette of opposite leaves occasional toothed lengthen into spikes of 2 lipped tubular usually blue flowers from spring to early summer.  It’s a great ground cover in shaded moist areas.

Their frost hardy trouble free plants that grow in moist soil in partial shade or part day sun.  Foliage may scorch in full sun although bronze and variegated develop best color in sun.

Prone Southern blight, fungal root rot, snails and slugs damage.

Ajuga australis – Australian buggle –This species occurs over a wide area across Southern and Eastern Australia from sub alpine meadows to rocky desert gullies.   This perennial forms a compact clump 3-15” inches high of softly hairy leaves and mauve or purple flowers varying in size, bloom in spring through summer and grow vigorously but may be short lived thus little are cultivated.

Zones 8-10