Althaea officinalis – Marsh mallow ‘

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Althaea –

There are 12 species of annuals and perennials, in this genus.  They are native to moist often-coastal areas salt and brackish habitats from Western Europe to Central Asia.   They produce broadly egg shape shallowly to deeply lobed dark green leaves.  On strong, short, wiry stems it carries racemes or panicles of small pink to bluish purple, 5 petaled flowers blooming from summer to autumn.  It’s well suited for a mixed or herbaceous border or wild flower gardens.

Grows in a wide range situations, but thrives in fertile moist but well drained soil in full sun.

Prone to powdery mildew, white mold, Septoria leaf spot, Flea beetles and Japanese beetles.

Althaea officinalis – Marsh mallow – This European erect perennial grows 5-6’ feet tall and wide.  It bears softly hairy leaves with 3-5 shallow toothed lobed.  From mid summer to early autumn it bears pale lilac pink flowers ½-3/4” across singly or in short terminal clusters.  Grown for medicinal use.

Zones 3-9