Amosnia illustris – Blue Star – Rhazya


Amsonia – Blue Star – Rhazya

There are about 20 species of clump forming perennials from lightwood or grassland in moist stony or heavily soils in Southeastern Europe, Turkey, Japan, and Northeast and Central U.S.A, in this genus. They have bright to deep green alternate lance shaped or egg shape to elliptic smooth edged leaves.  Several species turn yellow in autumn.  It bears long lasting panicles of narrowly funnel-shaped blue flowers with 5 spreading petals are borne from spring to summer.  There are moderately to very frost hardy.  Great plant for a mixed or herbaceous border at the edge of woodland, wildflower garden.  Contact with milky sap may irritate skin.  Divide in spring.

Easily grown in any moist soil that does not dry out in summer but is well drained in full sun to light shade and will tolerant some drought.

Prone to rust.

Amosnia illustris – This erect clump forming perennial grows 4’ feet tall and 18” wide.  It bears broadly egg shape to lance shaped or elliptic glossy bright green leaves 1 ¼-3” long. In spring and early summer it bears open panicles of light blue flowers to ½” across are produced on erect stems.

Zones 5-9