Archontophoenix alexandrae – Ptychosperma alexandrae – Alexander Palm – Northern Bangalow Palm –

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Archontophoenix – King Palm

There are 6 species of majestic single stemmed palms from rainforest in East Australia in this genus.  They bear large pinnate (2 regular rows along either side of the fronds midribs) leaves are arranged in terminal tuft above a prominent crown shaft. It produces large panicles or racemes of separate female and male flowers on the same plant of fragrant cup to star shaped flowers that attract insects are borne beneath the frond.  Old fronds fall cleanly from trunk so shouldn’t be cut and they leave ringed scars.  Cherry sized red fruit follows flowers.

When grown indoors grow in soilless potting mix in bright filtered light with moderate humidity.   During growing season water moderately and apply a balanced liquid fertilizer monthly.  Keep just moist in winter,

When grown outdoors grow in fertile, humus rich, moist but well drained soil in partial shade to prevent leaf scorch in frost-free site.  Can tolerate boggy conditions.

Prone to spider mites, Helminthosporium leaf spot, and Phytophtora root rot and aerial blight.

Archontophoenix alexandrae – Ptychosperma alexandrae – Alexander Palm – Northern Bangalow Palm – This fast growing palm from coastal North Queensland, Australia can reach 50-80’ feet tall and produce 15-22’ feet wide crown.  The pale gray trunk is slender to 8” in diameter that swells at the base and covered with ring-like leaf scars.  It produces arching pinnate leafs 6-12’ feet long, have numerous narrowly lance shaped leaflets pale green or purple flushed above with silver to gray undersides which catches the light almost reflecting it.  In summer cream to yellow flower open in large panicles to 30” long followed by ellipsoid to almost spherical pinkish red fruit in autumn.

Zones 10-14