Boenninghausenia albiflora

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There is a single species of a deciduous subshrub, in this genus. It occurs in woodland in the Mountains of Eastern Asia. It is grown for its visually attractive, although unpleasantly scented leaves and its terminal panicles of small, delicate, 4 petaled flowers. Grow in a sheltered rock garden, in a shrub border or woodland garden, or against a warm wall.

Grow in well drained soil in full sun. Where not reliably hardy, apply a deep winter mulch in autumn. Cut out dead shoots in spring.

B. albiflora – This upright subshrub from the Himalayas, China and Japan grows 3′ feet tall and wide. It produces alternate, 2 or 3 pinnate, dark green leaves, to 6″ long consisting of 10-80 obovate leaflets. In late summer it bears cup shaped, white or creamy white flowers, ½” across in panicles to 12″ long.

Zones 6-10