Caloscordum –
There is a single species of a bulbous perennial, in this genus. It occurs in mountainous regions of Asia. It has narrow leaves and bears umbels of tiny flowers in late summer, but does not have a pungent odor. Best grown in a sunny rock garden, or in an alpine house. In mild or frost free areas, grow in thin grass on a sunny bank.
Plant bulbs 3″ deep in spring. Grow in well drained soil in full sun. Protect from excess winter moisture.
C. neriniflorum – Allium neriniflorum – Nothoscordum neriniflorum – This bulbous perennial from Central Asia, Northern and Western China and Siberia grows 10″ tall. It produces 2-6 linear, channeled, pale green leaves, 3-6″ long, which die back as flowers are borne in late summer. Up to 20 star shaped flowers, to 1/4″ across, the petals bright pink with dark midribs, are borne in erect, loose umbels, 2-3″ across.
Zones 5-10