Dryopteris filix-mas ‘Cristata Martindale’ – Male Fern – Buckler Fern – Shield Fern – Wood Fern –


Dryopteris – Buckler Fern – Shield Fern – Wood Fern –

There are about 200 species of terrestrial ferns, in this genus. They occur mainly in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere, where they grow in woodland, by stream or lakes, and among mountain rocks. Most are deciduous, or semi evergreen. Pinnate to 4 pinnate, sometimes pinnatisect fronds form shuttlecocks in most cultivated species. Spores are produced in kidney shaped sori. The foliage looks effective with most herbaceous plants and shrubs.

Grow in moist, humus rich soil in partial shade and a sheltered site. Divide mature plants in spring or autumn. Remove fading fronds regularly.

Prone to rust, leaf gall, and fungal spots.

D. filix-mas ‘Cristata Martindale’ – Male Fern – This semi evergreen to deciduous fern grows 2′ feet tall. It forms clump of lance shaped, 2 pinnate or pinnatifid, mid green, arching fronds, distinctive selection with small crests. The pinnae curve toward frond apexes, with green mid ribs, arising from a crown of large upright rhizomes.

Zones 4-8