Carpinus b. ‘Columnaris’ – Hornbeam –


C. betulus – Common Hornbeam – European Hornbeam – This pyramidal, later irregularly rounded treed from Europe, Turkey, Asia and the Ukraine grows 80′ feet tall and 70′ feet wide although 30′ feet tall is more common.It has flutted, smooth pale gray bark.It produces ovate, prominently veined and unequally toothed, mid green leaves 3-5″ long, turning yellow to orange in autumn.In spring it bears yellow male catkins, to 1 1/4″ long and greenish female catkins, to 5″ long.Female catkins are followed by racemes, 1 1/4-2 ½” long, of green fruit with prominent, 3 lobed bracts, maturing to yellow-brown.

– is slow growing, compact, reaching 30′ feet tall and 20′ feet wide and is
spire like when young, it becomes ovoid with age, but retains it central leader

Grow in moderately fertile, well
drained soil in sun or partial shade.

Zones 5-9