Paxistima myrtifolia – Oregon Boxwood – Paxistima myrsinites – Pachystima – Mountain Lover –

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Paxistima – Pachystima – Mountain Lover –
There are 2 low growing species of evergreen shrubs in this genus. They occur in rocky sites on mountains and in coniferous woodland in North America. It has corky bark. They are grown for their small, simple, opposite, linear to oval sometimes finely toothed, leathery leaves. Tiny cross shaped, 4 petaled, greenish white or red tinted white flowers, held single or in axillary clusters are borne in spring and summer, followed by tiny, 2 valved seed capsules. Grow as a ground cover in a woodland or rock garden, can be used as a low hedge.
Grow these easily cultivated plants in any moderate fertile, humus rich, moist but well drained soil in full sun or part shade.

P. myrtifolia – Oregon Boxwood – P myrsinites – This spreading, almost prostrate, shrub from Western North America grows 2-3′ feet tall and 3 ½’ feet wide. From hairless brown branches it carries stalkless, ovate to rounded shaped, finely toothed, pointed, glossy, dark green leave to 1 ½”’ long, paler green beneath. In spring and summer it bears 1-3 cross shaped, red tinted white flowers, 1/4″ across, in pendent clusters. Prefers dappled shade.
Zones 5-8