Pentaglottis sempervirens – Anchusa sempervirens – Green Alkanet –


Pentaglottis – Green Alkanet –
There is a sole species of a taprooted, evergreen, bristly perennial in the Boraginaceae family, in this genus. It occurs in damp shady habitats, and in hedgerows and woodlands margins in Southwestern Europe. It is grown for its flowers, which resemble forget-me-nots and are borne in spring and ealry summer. The simple leaves are long stalked in basal rosettes, and stalkless along the branching, erect or ascending stems. Grow in a wildflower border. These plants will generally self seed freely.
Grow in humus rich, damp soil, in partial or deep shade. Deadhead after flowering to prevent self seeding. Divide in early spring.

P. sempervirens – Anchusa sempervirens – This bristly, tap rooted perennial from Southwestern Europe grows 24-40″ tall and wide. It produces erect to ascending stems that arise from a basal rosette of pointed, ovate to ovate-oblong, mid green leaves, 4-16″ long, stem leaves are smaller. From spring to early summer it bears leafy cymes of bright blue flowers, to ½” across, each with a short tube and 5 spreading lobes.
Zones 6-9