Cephalotaxus h. ‘Prostrata’ – Plum Yew –


C. harringtonia – Japanese Plum Yew – Cowtail Pine – Plum Yew – This coniferous shrub, occasionally a small tree, from Korea, Northeastern China and Japan grows 6-30′ feet tall and 10-20′ feet wide.It produces sharp pointed, slightly curved or linear, olive green leaves, 1 ½-2 ½” long, rising either side of the shoots in a wide “v”shape.Female plants produce ovoid to obovoid, olive green fruit, 1 1/4″ long in autumn.


‘Prostrata’ – grows 2-5′
feet tall and wide and is spreading and low growing

Grow in fertile, moist but well drained soil in partial shade, or in sun in cool, moist climates.Shelter from wind.Trim hedges in early summer.Tolerant of hard clipping.

Zones 6-9