Pterostyrax hispida – Epaulette Tree – Fragrant Epaulette Tree –


Pterostyrax –
There are 3 or 4 quick growing, spreading, deciduous trees or shrubs in this genus. They occur in mountain woodland in China and Japan. They have peeling, aromatic bark. They are grown for their alternate, oval, serrated edge, pale green leaves, 6″ or more long, pendent panicles of fragrant, 5 lobed creamy white flowers, and unusual, ribbed or winged fruits. Grow as shrubs or multi stemmed specimen trees in a lawn or woodland setting.
Grow in deep, fertile, well drained, neutral to acidic soil in full sun or partial shade.

P. hispida – Epaulette Tree – Fragrant Epaulette Tree – This spreading tree or shrub grows 25-50′ feet tall and 40′ feet wide. It has peeling, aromatic gray bars. It produces serrated edged, oval, pale green leaves, to 8″ long with downy undersides. In early and mid summer it bears bell shaped, fragrant white flowers, ½” across, each with 5 lobes divided almost to the base, are held in pendent panicles, to 8″ long, followed by oblong, 5-10 ribbed fruit, to ½” long, covered in yellow brown bristles which persist into winter.
Zones 5-8