Sarcocca humilis – Sarcocca hookeriana var. humilis –

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Sarcocca – Christmas Box – Sweet Box –
There are 16-20 slow growing, monoecious, evergreen, sometimes rhizomatous shrub, within the Buxaceae family, in this genus. They are found naturally occurring in moist, shady places, forest, and thickets in Eastern and Southeastern Asia. They are grown for their foliage, usually fragrant flowers, and conspicuous red or black drupe of fruits containing 1-3 seeds. The deep green leaves are mainly alternate lance to elliptical. Tiny, sweety fragrant, petalless, white or whitish green male and female flowers, 1/4″ long, are borne in small clusters or spikes in the leaf axils. The male flowers have conspicuous anthers, the females are borne below the males in the inflorescence. Grow as groundcover in a shade garden, or use as a low, informal hedge.
Grow in neutral to slightly alkaline, moderately fertile, humus rich, moist, well drained soil in deep or partial shade. Full sun is tolerated if soil remains moist, otherwise, the leaves will go off color and the plant will loose vigor. Tolerates neglect and air pollution.

S. humilis – S. hookeriana var. humilis – This low spreading clump forming evergreen shrub, spreads by suckers, is form Western China and grows 18″ tall and 3′ feet wide. From erect shoots it carries oblong, glossy, dark green leaves, to 3″ long. In early spring, bears cluster of honey scented, pink tinged, tiny white flowers, the males with pink anthers. In fall it produces spherical, dark blue-black fruit, 1/4″ across. Superb for deep shade.
Zones 6-9