Solidaster luteus – x Solidaster hybridus – Aster luteus – Yellow Aster –

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x Solidaster

This hybrid genus of one clump forming perennial, possibly the result of a cross between Solidago and Aster ptarmicoides. It is grown for its daisy like flowers, profusely borne from mid summer to early autumn. The leaves are alternate, and lance shaped or narrowly inversely lance shaped. Suitable for a mixed or herbaceous border, the flowers are good for cutting.

Grow in moderately fertile, well drained soil in full sun. Divide in spring.

Prone to powdery mildew.

x S. luteus – x S. hybridus – Aster luteus – Yellow Aster – This clump forming perennial grows 36″ tall and 12″ wide. From branched stems it carries narrow leaves to 6′ long, toothed at the tips. From mid summer to early autumn, bears branched corymb like panicles, 4″ across, of daisy like flowers to ½” across, with pale yellow petals which fade to creamy yellow and yellow centers.

Zones 5-8