Sorbaria sorbifolia – Spiraea sorbbifolia – Ural False Spirea – False Spirea –


Sorbaria – False Spirea –

There are 10 suckering, deciduous shrubs, in the rose family, in this genus. They are found naturally occurring on riverbanks in cool to cold mountain regions of the Himalayas and to Eastern Asia. They are grown for their elegant foliage and flowers. The leaves are alternate and pinnate with serrated leaflets. The 5 petaled star like white flowers, with many prominent stamens, are borne in large, conical, terminal panicles in mid and late summer followed by masses of small brownish seed capsules which often persist into winter. Sorbariias are good for a large shrub border, a wild or woodland garden, where they may form thickets, or for a waterside planting.

Grow in moderately fertile, moist but well drained, neutral to slightly alkaline soil in full sun to partial shade, Protect from strong winds. Remove excess suckers to restrict spread.

Prone to fireblight.

S. sorbifolia – Spiraea sorbbifolia – Ural False Spirea – This upright, thicket forming suckering shrub from Northern Asia and Japan grows 6-10′ feet tall and wide. From erect branches it carries pinnate leaves, 4-10″ long, each with up to 25 lance shaped or oblong, pointed, finely serrated dark green leaflets. In mid and late summer, it bears small white flower, to 3/8″ across, in erect, terminal, conical panicles, to 10″ long.