Tecophilaea cyancocrocus var. leichtlinii – Chilean Blue Crocus –

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Tecophilaea –

There are 2 cormous perennials, in this genus… They naturally occur in sub alpine grasslands in South America, but are now probably extinct in the wild. They have narrowly lance shaped, basal leaves, and bear crocus like, brilliant colored flowers on leafless stems in spring. They are suitable for a rock garden or raised bed, but, in all except completely frost free areas, should be grown in a bulb frame.

Grow in well drained, sandy soil in full sun.

T. cyancocrocus var. leichtlinii – Chilean Blue Crocus – This small, cormous perennial original from Chile grows 3-6″ tall. It produces semi erect, narrowly lance shaped, basal leaves , to 5″ long. In spring, it bears 1 or2 open fragrant funnel shaped, pale blue flowers with large white centers, up to 2″ long, with white throats and faint white veins.

Zones 7-9