Townsendia parryi –

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There are about 20 short lived compact, annuals, biennials, or monocarpic perennials in this genus. Most species are less than 6″ and less than 18″ wide .They naturally occur in open, freely draining habitats in mountainous areas of Western North America. They produce alternate leaves that are narrow or spatula shaped, with smooth edges and can be clothed in dense hairs often silver to gray-green in color. They are grown for their solitary, short stemmed, aster-like, yellow centered ½”-1 ½” diameter flowerheads, produced in spring and summer. Townsendias species are suitable for a rock garden or trough.

Grow in gritty, sharply drained soil in full sun. Immediately upon germination, transfer to individual pots to avoid taproot damage, seedlings will not survive transplanting. Pinch to prevent flowering the first year. Protect from excessive winter moisture.

T. parryi – This clump forming, short lived perennial from North western North America grows 6″ tall and 4″ wide. It produces spoon shaped, slightly fleshy leaves,,, to 4″ long, smooth above and bristly hairy beneath. One to several solitary flowerheads, to 1 1/4″ across, with violet-blue or lavender blue petals and a yellow center, are borne on upright stems, 2-6″ long, in early summer.

Zones 4-7