Tsuga ‘Cole’s Prostrate’ – Hemlock –


T. canadensis- Canadian Hemlock – Eastern Hemlock – This slow growing, broadly conical to pyramidal tree, from Eastern North America grows 80-120′ tall and 30′ feet wide.It often seen as having several or forked trunks with deeply furrowed, purplis gray bark which can reach 5′ feet in diameter.It produces linear, finely toothed, mid green needles, to 1″ long held in 2 ranks, with a few needles lie flat along the shoots, with their silver undersides positioned face up.Oblong-conical female cones are up to 1″ long.

Prostrate’ – ‘Cole’s’ –
This low growing shrub reaches 12″ tall and 3′ feet wide and is suitable as a groundcover

Grow in humus rich, moist but well drained, acidic to slightly alkaline soil in full sun or partial shade.They dislike urban environments or very exposed positions.Trim hedges from early to late summer.

zones 3-8