Tulipa ‘China Town’ – Tulip ‘China Town’

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Viridiflora Group (Division 8) -These tulips with stems of variable length grow 16-22″ tall and bear single, cup or almost closed bowl shaped flowers, to 3″ across, are sometimes entirely green, and edged in another color, or white to yellow, red, or purple, flamed or striped green, with contrasting centers. Late season flowering, with leaves 14-16″ long. Ideal for a mixed border, and good for cut flowers.

Select tulips cultivars and species based on hardiness zones. Most tulips require a long cold winter and dry summer and thrive in Zones 4-6.In Zones 7-8, fewer are adaptable. In Zones 9-10, they should be grown as annuals, and bulbs must be precooled at 40–45 degree Fahrenheit for 8-10 weeks before planting. Grow in fertile well drained, neutral to slightly acidic soil in full or afternoon sun.In Zones 7-10. Choose a shady site or one with morning sun only.