Woodsia obtuse – Blunt-lobed Woodsia – Common Woodsia – Large Woodsia – fern

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Woodsia obtuse – Blunt-lobed Woodsia – Common Woodsia – Large Woodsia – This tufted, terrestrial or rock dwelling fern is found naturally occurring from Quebec to Florida and grows 24” tall and 10-16” wide. In early spring, produces ovate to oblong, pinnate, dull green fronds, to 24” long, each composed of 8-17 pairs of triangular to lance shaped pinnae, with notched edges.
Zones 3-9

Woodsia –
There are approximately 25 small, tufted, deciduous, terrestrial or rock dwelling ferns in this genus. They occur naturally in temperate and sub artic regions, mainly in the Northern Hemisphere. They have erect, short rhizome, and pinnate to 2 pinnate fronds, with the pinnae sometimes pinnatifid. Sporangia are in cup shaped indusia, which have often deeply cut fringes. Suitable for a shady rock garden.
Grow in sharply drained but moist, fertile soil in partial shade. Position crowns above soil level and surround with small stones. Divide when dormant.