Xanthosoma sagittifolium – Elephant Ear – Yautia – Tannia – Malanga – Ape –

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Xanthosoma – Elephant Ear – Yautia – Tannia – Malanga – Ape –

There are up to 50 tuberous or thick-stemmed perennials in the Arum family that make up this genus.  They natural occur in tropical USA and in Central and South America.  They are grown for their edible, fleshy long stalked leaves, which may be arrow to spear shaped or pedately divided into 3-18 segments and up to 5’ long.  Their corms, which are also edible, as are the stems,  Inflorescences consist of a spadix within a taller spathe, and are borne intermittently throughout the year.  Commonly used as a tropical accent annual.

Under glass, grow in large containers, in soil based potting mix, with added leaf mold, in moderate light.  In growth, water freely and apply a balanced liquid fertilizer every 2-3 weeks.  Water moderately in winter.  Outdoors, grow in slightly acidic, leafy, humus rich, fertile, well-drained soil in partial shade.  Avoid water logging.

Prone to fungal spots, bacterial spots, and  viruses diseases.

X. sagittifolium – Tannia – This thick stemmed, non-tuberous perennial found naturally occurring in topical US, Central America and South America grows 3’ feet tall and wide.  It produces arrow shaped, often-white speckled leaves, to 30” long, with broad basal lobes.  Greenish white spathes, 10” long, surrounding white spadices, are borne intermittently.  Stems are edible.

Zones 14-15