Zea – Silver Queen Corn – Corn

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Zea – Corn –

‘Silver Queen’ – matures in 92 days, grows to 5′ feet tall and should be planted 8-12″ inches apart

Zea – Corn – can grow 12′ feet tall and 12″ inches wide. This robust, annual grass produces pointed lance shaped, arching waxy leaves, to 36″ inches long. In summer it bears a terminal panicle of spike like; males raceme, to 8″ long and female inflorescences, also to 8″ inches long, enclosed within spath bracts. The female flowers are followed in late summer and early autumn by ears with flattened, usually yellow sweet tasting edible kernels.

Grow in a warm sheltered site in fertile moist, but well drained soil in full sun. Ripe ears feel full and rounded, silk should be dried and brown at ends.

Prone to downy mildew, damping off, rust, smut, and variety of fungal leaf spots. Corn earworm and other caterpillars, and aphids may occur.