Zucchini – Mexican Grey Zucchini – Cucurbita


Cucurbita – Zucchini –

‘Mexican Grey Zucchini’ – matures in 41-50 days, space 48″ inches apart and is fast growing, and will produces zucchinis as long as you pick them, pick while skins are still tender, grows 24-36″ inches tall

C. pepo – Summer Squash – This trailing or bushy form North American native grows 1-3′ feet tall and wide. Hard stems carry heart shaped, deeply lobed, mid green leaves. Produces yellow to orange flowers and cylindrical fruits to 12″ long.

Grow in moderately fertile well drained but moisture retentive soil in full sun or partial shade. None can withstand frost and all thrive in hot weather.

Prone to slugs, aphids and beetles