Kitaibela vitriolic – Kitaibelia vitriolic-


Kitaibela – Kitaibelia –

There are two species of imposing often short lived herbaceous perennials in this genus.  Found in damp meadows and scrub lands from Slovenia to Macedonia.  They have palely lobed, vine like leaves and showy, mallow like flowers carried singly or in axillary cymes.  They are suitable for a wild or meadow garden.

Grow in deep, moderately fertile, moist but well drained soil in full sun or partial shade.

K. vitriolic – This clump forming, woody based, softly white hairy perennial found from Slovenia to Macedonia grows 8’ feet tall and 15’ feet wide.  From erect stems it carries 5 to7 lobed, coarsely toothed leaves, to 7” long.  From mid summer to early autumn it bears mallow like, open cup shaped 5 petalled, white to rose-red flowers, 1 ¾” across, are held singly or in few flowered, axillary cymes.

Zones 6-8