Anacyclus pyrethrum var. depressus – Anacyclus depressus – Mt. Atlas Daisy –

SKU: PDE-160251765 Categories: , , ,



There are about 9 species of annuals and herbaceous perennials from stony sloped and sandy sites in the Mediterranean region, in this genus.  It produces 2-3 pinnatisect leaves with finely cut lobes are produced on creeping stems radiating from a central rootstock.  In summer solitary or paired daisy like flower heads are borne on short stems.

When grown indoors plant in a equal parts loam leaf mold and sharp sand or grit in full light.

When grown outdoors grow in well-drained soil in full sun and protect from excessive winter moisture.

Prone to Aphids.

Anacyclus pyrethrum var. depressus – Anacyclus depressus – Mt. Atlas Daisy – This mat forming perennial grows 1-2” tall and 4” wide and derives from the Mountains of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia.  It produces rosettes of 2 or 3 pinnatisect gray-green leaves 4-5 ½” long which bear numerous solitary flower heads 1-2” across with white petal with red on the undersides each with a white stripe and a yellow button like center.

Zones 3-8