Anthyllis hermanniane ‘Minor’– Anthyllis hermanniane ‘Compacta’ – This Mediterranean species forms a rounded shrub with thorny, tangled branches, growing to 4” tall and spreads to 12” or more wide. It produces tiny 3 palmate leaves to ½” long with oblong to lance shaped bright to gray green leaflets. In early summer it bears masses of bright golden yellow flowers ¼-1/2” long in short panicles consisting of 2 to 8 flowers 3/4-1 ¼” long.
Zones 6-8
There are around 25 species of annuals, perennials, and shrubs found on rocky cliffs or in open grasslands in the Mediterranean, in this genus. They produce pinnate or 3-palmate leaves with leaflets which are often small and closely crowded. From spring to summer it bears racemes of pea like flowers of yellow, cream, red or pink in dense heads occasionally in clusters or singly from the leaf axils.
There easily grown, thriving in areas with long hot summers and tolerates poor dry soils that are well drained in full sun. Trim plants after flowering. Great for a rock garden or in the front of a mixed border.
Prone to fungal leaf spots.