Berchemia scandens – Rattan vine – Supple Jack –

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Berchemia –

There are about 12 species of deciduous climbers, rarely shrubs, in this genus. They occur from woodland in Eastern Africa, Eastern Asia, and North and Central America. They have attractively veined, alternate, ovate, to elliptic leaves, and terminal or axillary panicles of small flowers in summer followed by fleshy fruits. Train against a wall, fence, or pergola, or into a small tree.

Grow in fertile soil in sun or partial shade. Prune in late winter or early spring.

B. scandens – Rattan vine – Supple Jack – This vigorous, twining, woody climber found from the Southern USA to Central America reaches 15′ feet high. It produces ovate, mid green leaves, to 3″ long each with 9-12 pairs of prominent, parallel veins. In summer it bears panicles, 2″ long of tiny green flowers, followed by oblong, blue-black fruit, to 3/8″ long.

Zones 6-9