Illicum floridanum – Polecat Tree – Purple Anise –


Illicum –

There are about 40 species of aromatic, evergreen shrubs and small tree , in this genus. They occur in woodland in India, Eastern Asia, and Southeastern USA, and the West Indies. They are grown for their thick, glossy leaves, held alternately or in near-whorls, and their unusually fragrant, Magnolia like, cream to reddish purple flowers, which composed of numerous tepals and their woody, 8 pointed, star shaped fruits. Grow in a woodland garden or shrub border.

Grow in moist but well drained, humus rich, acidic soil, in full to partial shade but will with stand full sun. Shelter from cold, drying winds.

Prone to bacterial spot, anthracnose, stem canker, root tots, and crown rots.

I. floridanum – Polecat Tree – Purple Anise – This bushy, evergreen shrub from areas with wet soils in Southeastern USA grows 8-10′ feet tall and wide. It has furrowed, smooth dark brown bark which is highly aromatic (not always pleasantly so). It produces narrowly oval to lance shaped, glossy, deep green leaves, to 4″ long. In late spring and early summer it bears nodding, star shaped, fragrant, red to red-purple flowers, to 2″ across.

Zones 7-9