Imperata cylindrica ‘Rubra’ – Imperata cylindrica ‘Red Baron’ – Japanese Blood Grass


Imperata –

There are about 6 species of slender stemmed, rhizomatous, perennial grasses, in this genus.They occur in open grassland in Eastern and Southern Asia, southward to Australia.They have flat, linear, pointed leaves, and erect, spike like panicles of short, silvery spikelets, borne in summer.Variegated cultivars are grown for their striking foliage.Grow at the front of a mixed or herbaceous border, in a light woodland garden, or in containers.All need long, hot summers to flower well.

Grow in moist but well drained, humus rich soil in full sun or light, dappled shade.In cold climates, provide a winter mulch, especially when plants are young.Divide in spring or early summer.

I. cylindrica ‘Rubra’ – I. cylindrica ‘Red Baron’ – Japanese Blood Grass – This slowly spreading, perennial grass grows 16-30″ tall and 12″ wide.It forms loose clumps of flat, linear, mid green leaves, to 20″ long, which turn deepblood-red mid to late summer, from the tips almost to the bases.In late summer it bears narrow, spike like panicles, 8″ long, of fluffy, silvery white spikelets, to 1 3/4″ long.

Zones 5-9